There can be no worse nightmare than coming home from vacation and finding the dining room flooded. Your furniture, wallpaper, carpet— and mental health— are under siege, stained or green with mold. You wonder ” Will my insurance help with water damage restoration?”.

After you call United Water Restoration for help, your next thought is insurance coverage. Will you be reimbursed for this? Unfortunately, the answer is complicated and depends on your policy. Insurance policies vary from one company to the next. A general rule of thumb is that you need flood insurance in addition to your homeowner’s policy.  Most homeowner’s policies treat flood insurance separately.


Moreover, even if the homeowner has flood insurance, it tends to be fairly specific (or nitpicking, if you prefer that word).

It may cover only water that comes from another source and enters the home, not water originating in the home.

Overflowing rivers, heavy rains or a tsunami are considered floods. A broken water pipe, however, may not qualify.

Flood Insurance Policies: Read Fine Print

Even insurance policies that cover water damage (but not floods) may just apply to situations where water somehow damaged the home without touching the ground around it. With this type of insurance, a leaking roof or broken pipe might qualify, but not a tidal wave or hurricane.

Mold is another complicated subject. If mold was caused by neglect, for instance, it’s not likely to be covered. If mold occurred because of a burst pipe or an event within the scope of coverage, mold clean-up could be covered.

Mold, fortunately, does not spring up immediately (though it may seem that way). At United Water Restoration, we take steps to make sure that mold doesn’t get started.

Immediate clean-up and restoration are needed to prevent the growth of mold. Our services attack the source of mold, which is moisture or standing water. When you call United Water Restoration, we take measures to prevent the growth of mold so it doesn’t become an issue with your insurance company.

Water Damage Worsens With Time

Your first call to Cera Restoration, to schedule a consultation and learn what will be needed to set things right again, is a priority. Damage and deterioration start immediately after water enters the home, impacting not just the structural integrity of your home, but also plumbing, electrical, furnishings and contents. The sooner you get the water and moisture removed and begin the drying-out project, the better you contain the damage.

When you call your insurance agent, he or she can explain what your coverage includes. It’s best to understand your policy before you experience any calamity. The last thing you need— on top of water damage— is a battle with the insurance company.

The bottom line is: Policies vary. If you live in a flood-prone area, near the ocean or a canal, or a place where storms are frequent, you’d be wise to check out the price of flood insurance. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The insurance agent should be able to state your liability as well as your coverage when you purchase the policy. Ask him or her to define plain-sounding terms such as flood, water damage or neglect. You might be surprised at the answers.

After all, what is insurance designed to do, but insure your peace of mind?